Living and Longing for the Lord

$12.99 $11.69 AuthorMichael Whitworth

A guide to 1 & 2 Thessalonians


The Christian life can have as many heartbreaks as hallelujahs. Circumstances confuse us. Sin frustrates us. The devil likes to inflict pain on God’s children. Wouldn’t it be great if we could go to heaven as soon as we become Christians and skip the confusion, frustration, and pain? Sadly, it doesn’t work like that; we have to learn to overcome this world while awaiting the Second Coming. In 1–2 Thessalonians, we are equipped to do just that.

The book is written in an engaging, easy-to-read style. It discusses key terms and ideas and explains cultural/historical details. Every Start2Finish Book is based on the English Standard Version (ESV) and is characterized by a balanced, reverent view of God’s Word. Living & Longing for the Lord will guide you through Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians in hopes of helping you become more like Jesus until he returns.

196 pages

Misc. Teaching Resources

WVBS Teaching Posters

Rose Charts and Books

Bible Story/Picture Books

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