Your Best Friend

$9.95 $8.96 AuthorLottie Beth Hobbs

Meeting the best friend you'll ever have

Our hearts hunger for friendship. In life's joys, sorrows, problems, and decisions, we long for direction and under­standing and encouragement. How comforting to know that we can enjoy the incomparable privilege of having Jesus Christ, the Power and Wisdom of the Universe, as a close and person­al Friend - One who '"sticketh closer than a brother." He knows us. He knows our needs. He not only gives life's necessary directions, but He leads the way.


Our hearts hunger for friendship. In life's joys, sorrows, problems, and decisions, we long for direction and under­standing and encouragement. How comforting to know that we can enjoy the incomparable privilege of having Jesus Christ, the Power and Wisdom of the Universe, as a close and person­al Friend - One who '"sticketh closer than a brother." He knows us. He knows our needs. He not only gives life's necessary directions, but He leads the way.

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