No Hermeneutical Gymnastics, Please!

$6.00 $5.40 AuthorLouis Rushmore

The Essentiality of Correct Biblical Interpretation


No Hermeneutical Gymnastics, Please! is a defense of valid, biblical interpreation and a repudiation of false concepts of interpretation, such as the so-called new hermeneutic. The volume is brief but thoroughly apprises Christians of both correct reasoning or logic as well as warns of the sometimes ambiguous encroachments of doctrines counter to a proper and warranted appreiation of Bible authority. Once more often characteristic in some larger and metropolitan churches, assaults on genuine biblical hermeneutics occurs now even in small, rural congregations, and the unsuspecting will be overwhelmed with heresy and its fruits unawares -- unless books like this one enlighten church members, preachers, teachers and elders ahead of time.

62 pages
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