The G.L.A.M. Girl's Guide to Sex

$11.95 $10.76 AuthorLeah Hopkins

Be a Godly Lady Adorned Modestly


From the author: It doesn't matter who you are, what you look like, or where you are from - Every girl can and should be a G.L.A.M. girl! That is ... A Godly Lady Adorned Modestly!

A G.L.A.M. Girl’s Guide to Sex is the first book in a planned series based on 1 John 2:15-17, aimed to teach girls the importance of being a godly lady in a world where you are shunned if you side with God. We will discuss how to value and defend your purity in a sex obsessed society.

Girls, I don't care if you are a tomboy or a beauty queen, grab your Bible and your Rock'n tiara attitude, because we are going to learn how to stand out from the crowd and up for God. When you are members of His Kingdom, we need to look and act like it!

180 pgs.
Misc. Teaching Resources

WVBS Teaching Posters

Rose Charts and Books

Bible Story/Picture Books

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