Woods/Nunnery Debate

$20.00 AuthorWoods & Nunnery

Baptism and Apostasy


This debate was held near Parsons, TN from July 2-5, 1946 between Guy N. Woods and A. U. Nunnery.

Proposition 1: The Bible teaches that water baptism is essential to the salvation of the alien sinner.
Affirmative: Guy N. Woods
Negative: A. U. Nunnery

Proposition 2: The Bible teaches that the alien sinner is saved before and without water baptism.
Affirmative: A. U. Nunnery
Negative: Guy N. Woods

Proposition 3: 
The Bible teaches that a child of God can so act as to be lost in hell.
Affirmative: Guy N. Woods
Negative: A. U. Nunnery

Proposition 4:
The Bible teaches that a child of God cannot so act as to be finally lost in hell.
Affirmative: A. U. Nunnery
Negative: Guy N. Woods

414 pg.

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