1 Samuel

$29.95 $26.96 AuthorM. Ray Paseur

Commentaries By Members of the Church of Christ


The book of 1 Samuel has a very important place among the ten historical books, Joshua through Esther. The text provides timeless lessons that are applicable in a powerful way to the twenty-first-century world. It shares memorable illustrations that are taken from the people of God during the remarkable time when Israel's leadership was transitioning from judges to kings. Some of the narratives tell of the depths of faithfulness to God, while others relate how one can begin well only to come to a deplorable demise. 

Written in a captivating style, the book gives a selective coverage of the life of Samuel, the last of the judges, who anointed Saul and David as kings of Israel. Accurately and reliably, it allows the reader to live through the time when David, as a youth, was anointed as the future king. The book impartially includes the weaknesses as vell as the strengths of its main characters, such as Samuel and Saul. One cannot study through this book without confronting the great value of godly living.


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