The Button Jar

$15.00 AuthorRebekah Wilson

Grandmother's Hope Chest #3


In this endearing edition to the Grandmother book series, Rebekah Wilson has once again captured the hearts of girls everywhere! With her usual sweet style Rebekah has brought the story of Lucie and Grandmother to us with a new twist this time.

When Lucie loses a button on her dress, Grandmother takes her button jar from the hope chest and allows Lucie to search through the huge pile to find a replacement. As Lucie sorts through the buttons, Grandmother shares the stories associated with many of the buttons and one that dates back to the Revolutionary War!

Lucie also spies a very interesting design atop the jar lid too! Grandmother explains where the little cross stitched sheep design came from and teaches Lucie how to cross stitch by recreating the jar lid top. A simple and sweet gospel message and a precious hymn are included in this section of the book.

Lucie created her very own button jar and your little one can too! Although cross stitch is fairly simple for most adults to learn, children can often struggle with learning to count the squares and holes and to find where to place their needle. Rebekah takes the struggle out with her ultra easy graphics &simple instructions which walks you and your child through each and every step of the design. Once these very basic,first stitches are taken and the child learns how to follow a pattern, they can sew an endless variety of patterns without any help from mom!

Don't miss the wonderful opportunity to pass along family traditions sewing skills, time Spent with your Child and lifelong memory of being together. Order your book today and curl up with your little one on your lap While you follow Lucie's latest adyentures.

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