Training Up a Child

$25.95 $23.36 AuthorGwendolyn M. Webb

Help for parents!



Firmly believing in God's instruction, "Let the older women teach the younger women," Gwendolyn Webb takes parents of all ages back to the Bible to help them understand what to do with the precious souls God has entrusted to their care.

From the back cover: 

11 Essential Components to Building a Child (Birth to 12)

1. Daddy. Every child must have a loving, caring father who leads, protects, provides, and spiritually guides his family.

2. Mother, A child's mother must love her husband and be his submissive helpmeet. She must maintain constant vigil over house and home,

3. Love. A sacrificial love must on each child from birth. Proper bonding between parents and child must accomplished by age two.

4. Obedience. A child must learn to obey and respect his parents' authority. His security and safety depwnd upon it. This should be taught thoroughly by age six.

5. Independence. A child works hard to br liberated from dependency on others. Parents must know when to step aside and "fly their child's flags" of skill and trust.

6. Habits. A child must meet with favor from within and without his home. Teaching commendable habits is the way to accomplish this goal.

7. Work. A child must taught to work. Good organization and providing reasons and rewards will teach this responsibility.

8. Communication - MUCH TIME and a good set of "communication equipment" are all that is required of parents in order to answer the 500,000 questions their child will ask.

9. Togetherness - Family cohesiveness is obtained when a family chooses companions, and plays, plans, talks, travels, shares, sacrifices, and works together.

10. Prayer- A child needs parents who will pray daily for him.

11. Worship - A child must be taken to church services regularly and taught to worship God in spirit and in truth. He and his family must follow God's plan for acceptable worship.



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