Don't Laugh, You'll Be Old Someday - Maybe

$7.95 $7.16 SeriesLibrary of Laughter
AuthorThomas Holland

In Appreciation of and For the Enjoyment of Older Folks


There is one thing for certain: if we continue to live on earth, we will get older and older and older.
However, age is to a great extent attitude. Some people are old at 60 and some are young at heart when they are 80. A once older and popular baseball preacher asked: "How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you wuz?”

Change is inevitable with the aging process. The body changes. Circumstances of life change. Change brings new challenges for life.

This book is the story of the way two people were forced by aging to accept changes in life. Some of the changes brought sadness, but some change was fraught with gladness. You will laugh and you will cry as you read the struggles of Uncle Wes and Aunt Wassie.

196 pg.
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