Part 1: The Inspired Epistle "Commences"
1The Inspired Introduction to a Very Helpful Epistle
Part 2: The Report of Chloe and Others; And, Paul's Inspired "Correction"
2Solving the Problem of Division
3Solving the Problem of Church Discipline
4Solving the Problems of Litigation and Immorality
Part 3: The Corinthians' Letter; And, Paul's Inspired "Counsel"
5Solving the Problems of Marriage
6 Solving the Problem of Christian Liberty
7Solving the Problems of Worship
8Solving the Problems of Spiritual Gifts (No. 1)
9Solving the Problems of Spiritual Gifts (No. 2)
10Solving the Problem of Doctrinal Soundness (No. 1)
11Solving the Problem of Doctrinal Soundness (No. 2)
12Solving the Problem of the Contribution
Part 4: The Inspired Epistle "Concluded"
13Practical Observations For Our Time