The Bible Doctrine of Final Things

$7.95 $7.16 AuthorRobert R. Taylor, Jr.

Learn the Truth About the End of Life and End of Time



What happens when we die? Is heaven real? Is Jesus coming back to the Earth? What is the Judgment Day?

These questions and more are ably answered by one of the best writers in the brotherhood. Robert R. Taylor, Jr. spent several years studying the material before publishing this book. The result is a work that clearly explains the divine answer to final things.

Twenty-six chapters are arranged in seven sections: 

  • The Bible Doctrine of Final Authority
  • The Bible Doctrine of Death
  • The Bible Doctrine of the Second Coming
  • The Bible Doctrine of Resurrection
  • The Bible Doctrine of Final Judgment
  • The Bible Doctrine of Hell
  • The Bible Doctrine of Heaven


Great for a two-quarter Bible class study.

297 pages

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