Christian Leadership Handbook

$17.99 $16.19 AuthorJ.J. Turner

Being a leader God’s way

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The 21st Century is upon us. What an exciting time to be alive. Before us lie opportunities never afforded to previous generations. The world has literally opened her doors with the Good News of Christ. This may well be the decade we preach the Gospel to every creature under heaven. It won’t happen by chance or accident. It will take vision, prayer, planning, and work. It will require bold, creative leadership on all fronts. The army of God must increase her training efforts. Leaders must be on the cutting edge. The Body must be equipped for the work of the ministry. This book is designed to help leaders equip themselves and the church. It is a handbook of 56 exciting chapters that cover everything from the ABCs of leadership to the leader’s spouse. Each chapter cuts to the heart of a subject and presents the core truths. It is a must study for every leader and aspiring leader. It would make an excellent study for any leadership training class. 

310 pages 
Misc. Teaching Resources

WVBS Teaching Posters

Rose Charts and Books

Bible Story/Picture Books

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