David, The Man Who Had the Heart to Be King

$16.00 $14.40 AuthorWade Webster

16th Power Lectureship 2008


When we look into the pages of Scripture, we find few men who are spoken of as highly as is David. His life is recorded in detail and we learn from the highs and the lows and the journeys in-between. This volume of the POWER Lectureships brings the reader into the heart of David—a man after God’s own heart.

Thirty-six chapters on the life and lessons from this great man are divided into these sections:


  • David the Soldier
  • David the Sovereign
  • David the Seer
  • David the Singer
  • David the Shepherd
  • David the soul-mate
  • David the sinner
  • David the servant
  • Ladies’ Classes
584 pg.