The Lipe/Lewis Debate

$10.00 $9.00 AuthorLipe & Lewis

Debate on the Godhead and Miraculous Gifts (Pentecostalism)


The text of The Lipe-Lewis Debate was taken from a five-night debate between Dr. David Lipe, minister of the Macon Road Church of Christ in Memphis, TN, and Mr. Billy Lewis, minister of the Frayser United Pentecostal Church of Memphis.  The following propositions were discussed: 1. The Scriptures teach that the Godhead is comprised of one person (Jesus Christ)--not three, and that all who teach otherwise are false teachers and will be lost in hell (Affirm: Billy Lewis.)  2. The Scriptures teach that miraculous gifts as recorded in the New Testament ceased by the time the complete will of God was written and confirmed. (Affirm: David Lipe.)  3. The Scriptures teach that miraculous gifts as recorded in the New Testament will continue until the end of the Church Age.  (Affiirm: Billy Lewis.)  4. The Scriptures teach that for the penitent believer in Jesus Christ, water baptism--without the audibly pronouncing of any formula--is unto the remission of sins.  (Affirm: David Lipe.)  With the mushrooming growth of belief in Pentecostal doctrine in recent years, this debate is timely.
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