The Effective Edge

$11.99 AuthorGregory Alan Tidwell

How Christians today can accomplish the Lord’s work


Before Jesus returned to heaven, He commanded His disciples to be fruitful. "By this my Father is glorified,” Jesus said in John 15:8. Bearing fruit implies success, accomplishment, and a fulfillment of one’s purpose. In short, bearing fruit implies effectiveness.

This is the kind of live Gregory Alan Tidwell encourages all Christians to have in The Effective Edge. Becoming effective disciples is important if we are to fulfill Jesus’ plan and if we are to glorify God with our lives. In The Effective Edge, Tidwell outlines 12 areas on which a Christian should focus, explaining how to be effective in each area and how each contributes to an overall effective life.

Tidwell’s goal is simply to help Christians become "steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58). If this is a goal you have for your life as well, let The Effective Edge provide the direction and encouragement you need so you can achieve it with success.

Version alert: ESV

111 pages

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